bybmg: How I Style It: Black Booties

How I Style It: Black Booties

This post contains affiliate links as well as items I received for review. Read my disclosure page for more details.

My most worn pairs of footwear have to be my ankle wedge booties. They are so versatile and I go back to them time and time again. I have three pairs, and today I'm showcasing my black ones I purchased from Amazon last year.

I noticed last month that I didn't wear many skirts, so I decided to change that. Pairing this burgundy pencil skirt with some cute dot patterned leggings I got from No Nonsense makes a skirt bearable in the freezing temps we have here in Iowa. The leggings actually are long enough that they can tuck into my booties having the appearance of tights.

Of course I had to add a little stripe tee from Target, because pattern mixing is just my thing these days!

I topped it off with my black boyfriend cardigan from Old Navy and one of my favorite necklaces. This outfit will keep me cozy all day and still has a stylish look. 

Ankle wedge booties are seriously so comfortable for me. I've linked up some great options below, all under $50 except for the Toms. I have two pairs of Toms that I've scored at a big discount when Zulily has them available. 

If you want some tips for wearing ankle booties, check out this post.

Do you have a pair of ankle booties? What's your favorite footwear?

Now for the link up!

Your hosts:

Becky @ bybmg
Della @ Della Devoted
Rachel @ Garay Treasures
Tracy and Alyssa @ Glitter + Ruffles

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