bybmg: June 2020
Hey all! It's been a while since I have done a life update on here. Honestly with everything that is going on, my brain has been scattered and the days get lost, but I wanted to make sure I recorded what we've been up to!

{Calvin's Preschool Finale}

Calvin hadn't attended preschool since March 13, but his school did a portfolio pick up where we could capture a cute photo. Honestly, I am sad he didn't get closure on his preschool time, but a lot of things are not as we had hoped right now.


Russ and the boys have been camping a few times. I went once to help them set up and eat dinner. The other time I wasn't able to go. but boy do they love camping!


Since we have been home, both Wesley and Calvin have learned how to ride their bikes on two wheels. We went on a family ride on a trail.

{Book Club}

I am a part of a book club and we have been reading one book a month. This title was very good!

{Air Fryer}

We have had an air fryer since before Christmas. I finally made some donuts in there and they were tasty and so easy!


My dad is retiring and I helped my parents move out of the home they have lived in for the past 20 years. I put this sign up in their kitchen way back when and it was funny to see if still there!

{Last Day of School}

We celebrated the last day of school. It was obviously very different than it has been in the past. The boys' school did a virtual end of the year "assembly" on Facebook live. We also take a first day/last day selfie each year, so here is our last day selfie. 


Since pools in our area are closed for the summer, we purchased one for our yard. Something I never thought I would do, but the boys love to swim and we wanted to make sure they had the chance to swim this summer. Everyday the weather has been great, they've been in it, and that has been so nice! I have learned a lot about taking care of it in the past weeks!

So, that's what we've been up to! Trying to keep going when life is abnormal right now. I'll share more as the summer goes on! We have a couple fun things planned!
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