bybmg: High Five for Friday 11.13 & Giveaway

High Five for Friday 11.13 & Giveaway

This post contains affiliate links and items for review see my disclosure statement.

First off, it's FRIDAY the 13th! EEEK!  Just kidding. But a Happy Birthday shout out to my oldest brother! Happy Birthday, Eric!


When I saw this hat online at Old Navy, I just had to get it. Boy #3, you deserve some new things, and THIS hat is too cute to pass up. Our pastor said, "He looks like Elmer Fudd!" I purchased this hat with the intention of him wearing it for a few pictures when we got family pictures, but it was 75* out, so I decided against it. Nonetheless, we got some cute pictures you can check out if you missed them yesterday.


Henry and I took a little trip to Target this past weekend, which got him all dreaming about Christmas.

But we're still in Thanksgiving mode. We have been talking at home about what we're thankful for and we did this "homework" from school to disguise a turkey.


I got another Rocksbox this week. I'm in LOVE with the Loren Hope cuff that came in it. I'm going to keep it! Use code beckybff100 to get your first month totally free!


Russ and I went on a short date to an open house for a business his class partners with. It was so fun feeling like a "real grown up" with tons of free food including amazing nachos, sliders, drinks, and even cookies with spiked shakes!


I was contacted by BYOU "Be Your Own You" Magazine. It's a magazine for tweens that promotes positive self-esteem in the difficult tween years. Though I don't have girls of my own, I do see many young middle school ladies walk through my classroom each day. I was thrilled to receive a free copy to review, and I've added it to my classroom book shelf. 

It has wonderful content that is totally uplifting and relatable to my students.

BYOU is giving YOU the chance to win a one year subscription to their magazine. What young lady in your life would benefit from this? Enter the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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