bybmg: 2015 Fall Family Pictures

2015 Fall Family Pictures

I just have to note that 12 years ago today, Russ proposed to me!  I haven't ever blogged the story of that day, though it's a memorable and a bit funny one. I do plan to sometime though. Just a little random fact for ya! Now, on to the real post!

When we first scheduled our family pictures with Mark for November 1, I was a little worried it would be cold. I ordered up a cute jacket for Wes, a fun hat for Calvin, and a puffer vest for Henry in preparation. Instead, Iowa weather surprised us with 75*!  I am not one to complain about unexpected warm weather, but I had to revise our outfits a bit. 

Taking photos with three little boys is no easy feat, but our photographer was patient and interacted with the boys a lot. We got a few silly shots like above, but overall I was thrilled with how they turned out! Enjoy!

Though Calvin isn't looking, this one is my favorite!

And just the two of us and a some beautiful hues in the background to end the shoot! Thank you, Mark, for the gorgeous pictures!

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