bybmg: Update: Goals for the Remainder of 2015

Update: Goals for the Remainder of 2015


I'm loving having my goals in front of me! It's so satisfying to check things off.  I may make it a goal to have monthly goals next year (a goal to make goals... yeah... ) If you missed out on my initial post last month, you can find it here. So, here's where I'm at:

1. Exercise three times a week. -  So, the first week after I set these goals (week of October 19), I got in my 3x a week. I did one session of the StrongLifts 5x5 and two walks with a good friend. The following week (week of October 26), things fell apart a little. I only got in two lifting sessions and nothing else. It's been on and off, overall. 2-3 times. Last week, a tornado warning got in the way, but I'm still going to work for three times a week.

2. Overhaul my closet.  Russ and I made a mini date night of it. More like he hung out while I took all the clothes out and sorted them, but it was fun. He put in his two cents about a few pieces. One pile for Goodwill. One bag to ThredUp! I still need to do my dresser though. I guess I need to make an overhaul the dresser goal.

3. Get back into my She Reads Truth app every day. - So far, I've done this every day! Either this or my Bible app.

4. Bake a new recipe. - CHECK! These double chocolate chip cookies from Our Pretty Little Girls were amazing!

5. Make something. - This hasn't happened yet, but I have an idea!

6. Get a desk. - CHECK!  Thanks mom and dad for giving me a beautiful heirloom that was my grandmother's. Now I need to spruce up my space. Expect a full post on that soon! I won't spoil it with a pictures now.

7. Read 3 books. - 1) I finished Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. It was kind of disturbing, so if you're not into that kind of book, don't read it. If you liked Gone Girl, also by the same author, I would suggest this one. Or if you like Jodi Picoult books, this one would also be up your alley. Also, if we aren't connected on Goodreads, let's connect!
2) I also read Hoodwinked.You can read my review here.
3) A work in progress, I'll share that one when it's finished.

8. Buy a good pair of flats (and limit my clothes spending). - So this is somewhat a half success, half fail. I did find a pair of flats, but they're Target, but they're comfy!  They passed the all-day teacher test on the first day! The fail is that they aren't really an investment piece... Also, another fail is that I bought TWO clothing items. I bought a sweater (which is sold out) from Oakleigh Rose because I had a gift card to the shop, so it ended up being just $11. And this top I saw on Jill's blog because it was $11. So, I didn't spend a ton, but I still bought a couple things, which was not my intention. I aim to spend no more until after Christmas.

Honestly, I think I'm kicking this list's butt! What are you working on lately?

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