bybmg: High Five for Friday 8.14

High Five for Friday 8.14

With a big sigh I have to say that this was our last week of summer vacation. Monday Russ and I start back to work and the boys all head to daycare. Henry starts Kindergarten the following Monday. So, we tried to enjoy the week, though we were apart for some of it.

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Russ, Calvin, and I headed to southern Iowa for our annual cabins weekend with friends.  It's usually a no-kid weekend, but with Calvin being so small, he came along. It was a bit different having a baby there, but it was nice to enjoy the great outdoors a little and spend time with 5 other couples. I have to admit I'm already looking forward to next year when the weekend will be kid-free for us again.


While we were at the cabins through Wednesday, the big boys were up north in Minnesota with Russ's parents. They had the time of their lives and it was fun to get photo updates but I missed them so much!


Calvin spent his first day at daycare this week kind of as a trial run before he goes full time next week. Between meeting and appointments, Russ and I went for a bike ride. We probably haven't ridden bikes just the two of us since before kids, so it was so nice. 


We had some great meals while the big boys were away. It's a lot more appealing to spend a little extra time preparing a meal when you can actually enjoy it and not worry about telling someone to eat or stop doing something. I got to enjoy steak and ribs!


And, some of this post makes me sound like a person who doesn't love spending time with her kids, but I truly do. Sometimes mama needs a recharge, right? We spent Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and plan to spend the rest of the weekend soaking up the last moments of work-free summer (Why not let them wear their Spider-Man costumes everywhere?). I adore that Russ and I have our summers together with our boys. We have had a good summer, though grad school and a new baby have made it feel a little less care-free. I love the memories that we made and can truly and fully look forward to next summer when everyone is a little bigger and we are done with our Masters degrees!


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