bybmg: Best of 2017

Best of 2017

2017 was a great year here on the blog and with life in general! Today I wanted to share the best posts from this year! Most of them are the ones with the most page views, but a couple are just my favorites! Did you catch all of them? If not, go back and give them a read! 

3 Ways to Style the LuLaRoe Gigi - This one had the most page views on the blog this year! If you know me, you know I love LuLaRoe, so I was happy to see this!

DIY To Do List Center - I love organizing and can't wait to share some organizing things with you in 2018! This one was a popular post and I use this organizer at work by my desk!

Creative Holiday Cards - Sad news, we had some chaos around the holidays and these cards still need to be sent out! #fail! So, they may end up being New Years cards, but they're still fun!

Stitch Fix #4 Surprisingly, this Stitch Fix review got tons of love! This reminds me I need to schedule another fix!

What About the Boys Who Like Princesses? This post really came from my heart and it seems like my audience loved it too.  Embracing Them For Who They Are didn't get quite as many views but was still popular, too. 

10 Things I Love About My Home This post makes me happy because honestly, I'm still very content with our home! We are making a couple changes in the new year and it will be fun to share them with you.

What did you think of these posts? Were there any you really loved that didn't make the list? 

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