bybmg: High Five for Friday 7.28

High Five for Friday 7.28

Happy Friday! Della at Della Devoted, Katie at Cup of Tea, Tif at Bright on a Budget, and I want to welcome you to High Five for Friday! Each week we share the best parts of the week and hope you'll join us!


I'm still thinking about the fun Russ and I had in Mexico last week! It was a great re-connection time for us as well as a recharge for the stay at home summer life!


Our town is still hiding and finding rocks and it is so fun to see it all happen! Someone put one right by our mailbox!


We hit up the splash pad this week. It was the perfect day for it and the boys had a blast. I hope we can make it there a couple more times this summer. Summer is just flying by!


We have a summer bucket list of sorts taped to our hall closet. I never shared it here on the blog, but we have been checking things off. Henry helped me come up with a lot of the ideas, so yesterday we hit up Dollar Tree. Each boy got to pick three things and it was funny to see them try to decide what they really wanted. Henry ended up with a gumball machine, a pair of silly glasses, and some Star Wars toy. Wesley came home with a My Little Pony, a Maleficent figure, and a pair of purple fairy wings. Calvin was just all over the place but I helped him pick a car, a dinosaur, and a suction cup ball. It was a fun little adventure to get us through the nap to dinner time slump!


The first Sunday in August is known as International Friendship Day, so we thought it would be fun to celebrate friendships you've made because of High Five for Friday! Next week, we would love for you to share your story of a blogger friend that you have met because of High Five for Friday! I can't wait to read your stories!

How was your week?

Here's what happened on the blog the past two weeks since I missed out on H54F last week:

$10 at Target

Stocking Up for Back to School

Black and Blue Outfit

Resort Style Recap

Now, it's time to link up your highlights of the week!

Our Feature Blogger this week is Allie from A Gal Named Al! Allie shares work out tips, recipes, and life! Make sure you stop by and say hello!

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