bybmg: Better Late Than Never! Week 3: Christmas Photo Challenge

Better Late Than Never! Week 3: Christmas Photo Challenge


I kind of fell off the wagon with the end of the  Christmas Photo Challenge.  I had great intentions, but got caught up in busyness, travel, and I could probably list of more excuses... but anyway!

Week 1 is here and week 2 can be found here.

Today I'm sharing the last photos from the challenge.  I missed a few days, so there are just a couple.

17. Tree - The tree in our town's triangle is always so classic.

18. Gift - got some great goodies from students. So blessed.

21. Happiness - is an organized space. 

23. Glitter - not much glitter at our house, but lots of sprinkles! I searched for the edible silver things to go on our cookies this year and the grocery store came through! 

And, that's all!  This Christmas was truly wonderful.  It was so fun to have a purpose to document some of it!


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