bybmg: High Five for Friday 5.23

High Five for Friday 5.23

It's Friday! Hooray!  


1. We planted a small amount of things in our garden... seriously a small amount of things: sunflowers (seeds from Grandma), two tomato plants, and some herbs. We have done a lot more the past few summers, but it sometimes stresses us out, so we're going super simple this summer, and I think it will be great.


2. My sweet friend, Krista, was back in the US for a few days. She's a missionary in Africa. We were suite-mates in college. I miss her dearly, but we always pick right back up where we left off when she returns. We had a fun night of dinner and girl talk with our group of girl friends. I stayed up wayyy too late, but it was so good for my soul, and I didn't even feel the lack of sleep the next day.

3. I've been stressed out about school- just letting stuff get to me that shouldn't. Kids not getting stuff done. I have been a little too grumpy. Seriously, Becky, chill out. 4 days left! Two donuts have shown up in my room this week. Much needed...not for my waist, but for my soul.

4. I have been a little lazy with planning out our meals. We came home one night, unsure of what was for dinner, and frustrated with some things going wrong in with house. So, off to Chick-Fil-A (with a free sandwich coupon) we went  to grab some drive through and go to a nearby playground. JUST what we needed! 

5. It's going to be a great, long weekend! We are having a bunch of family in town, some we don't see very often. Our house will be packed at some points, but it's going to be great! 

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