bybmg: Coffee Date

Coffee Date


Photo from imylene

If we were to have a coffee date, I'd drink a Frappuccino or some other blended beverage even if it's freezing out, because Pumpkin Spice Lattes are out of season.

If we were to have a coffee date, I'd tell you that I am ecstatic about my trip to NYC in a couple weeks. I'm going with my mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and Russ's aunt. I adore flying and wish I got to do it more often. I'm excited to go on a flight by myself. I think this will be my first without the hubby or a friend along. I've never been to NYC. We're going to see Wicked, the musical, which I've never seen. We're staying at a ritzy hotel, possibly hitting up the Today show, it's going to be a blast.

I'd tell you I'm totally fine with turning 30. Many people want to stay 29 forever, but I'm grateful for another year. Also with this new decade, I've been thinking about my skin more lately and what I can do to keep it looking fresh. I moisturize and wash daily, but I have a feeling like I need to start looking into the anti-aging stuff. I would probably ask you for any suggestions. 

I'd tell you that I have some blog posts sitting in my draft box and some ideas hanging out in my brain that I'm not sure I'll ever publish. I know I need to take risks here, but sometimes that makes me nervous.

I'd tell you I've been having fun making some custom felt envelop orders for people around me as well as a couple other side projects. It's always fun when people contact me asking if I can make something for them and I'm able to do it.  I'd ask you what you've been creating lately.

I'd tell you Russ and I go back and forth over 3 or 4 kiddos. I'm fully aware that God may decide that for us. Maybe He will even decide 2 is what we will have, and I pray I'm fully ok with whatever the result. I'd tell you finances are often on my mind and that plays a lot into the kid factor. Paying daycare only lasts for a while, but the 5 years of it that goes along with each child is a whole heck of a lot of money. I don't want to look back on life and regret my decisions about children. How in the world do you know when you're done?

I'd tell you that my job move this year has been the best career move for me yet. I enjoy what I do teaching electives in middle school. My stress level has decreased significantly. I'm able to put energy into other things I enjoy like sewing, blogging, and just being with my boys.

I would ask how you are doing. So, how are you?

still being [molly]

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