bybmg: Happiness Project Update

Happiness Project Update


I have to admit that this hasn't been in the forefront of my mind, but it is in a corner and it keeps creeping up in my thoughts.

I have only walked at school once twice (I did today!). But, the weather has been beautiful, so we have gone for walks in the evening. Henry is a mad man on his bike (with training wheels), so we've been going places.

We got down some of the totes from storage in the garage. Two were toys that were Henry's, and Wesley will play with them soon. I was able to weed through and list about one tub worth on the local Facebook swap. (though Henry keeps playing with the toys I'm trying to get ride of!) I'm still sticking with my commitment that if things don't sell in two weeks on the swap, they're going to Goodwill. This means that this weekend, I'll be bagging some things up and making a Goodwill drop off from the first purge.

I did realize as I brought out my fall clothes, that I have a TON of clothes. I am a sale/Goodwill shopper, so I never spend a ton on clothes, but they do pile up. I still need to weed out there, but it's hard to let go. I listed a few things on the swap, but need to again evaluate what I'll wear. My style has changed since two winters ago (last winter I was in maternity wear).

Also, in the Tacking Nagging Tasks category, WE WROTE A WILL! It's somewhat strange to write about what our last wishes are, especially with two little ones under our roof. But, it needed to be done. 

Happpppy Friday!

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