bybmg: High Five For Friday 1.3 - Christmas Break Recap

High Five For Friday 1.3 - Christmas Break Recap

Happy Friday! Della at Della Devoted, Tif at Bright on a Budget, and I want to welcome you to High Five for Friday! Each week we share the best parts of the week and hope you'll join us! Remember you can link up your highlights post or up to THREE of your favorite posts from this past week!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year! Today I'm recapping the past two weeks of adventures!


The first evening starting off break, I headed off to dinner and to see Tonic Sol Fa (a local A Capella group) with some of the Des Moines Moms Blog crew. It was so fun!


The next day we headed up to northeast Iowa and hung out with Russ's dad's side. We also explored an old military fort to get the kids out and about.


On Christmas Eve we were greeters at church. It was quite the hoot! Then we came home and the boys got their Christmas PJs, new slippers, and an ornament. Henry got a soccer ball, Wesley got roller skates, and Calvin got a Transformer. Each are a good description of a highlight of their year.


On Christmas morning we opened gifts at home (Henry was up at 5 am!) and then went to spend the rest of the day with Russ's side. It was so nice that day (unusual for Iowa in December) that we went to the park!


The day after Christmas, we went to my side. Last year my mom made these snowmen to house the grandkids' gifts and the tradition continued this year.


A few days after Christmas, Russ and I had a day/night away. It was my Christmas gift from him. We had fun exploring Des Moines, having some silence, and eating yummy food.


We got a new sofa and Toby the cat approves!


We have been trying to get out and do things as well as have a good balance of at home lazies. We made it through a few holes of glow mini golf, made some wishes at the mall, and ate out.


We spend New Year's Eve with some friends. The boys stayed up until 10 which is so late for them, then we headed home and were all asleep by 11.


I've been tackling some decluttering projects over break and the hall closet was a big one. I also cleaned up my office!

Today's the last day of break, then we're back to reality on Monday! It has been so nice to have this time off together!

How were  your holidays?

The H54F linkup is a place where you can drop links for up to 3 of your posts each week. You can also still drop your link for a Friday 5 post, but we want to make this a platform for our followers to discover a variety of fun new content each week.

Now, it's time to link up your favorite posts of the week!

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