bybmg: Numbers and Goals: July

Numbers and Goals: July

Happy August! I kind of feel like saying "Boo August," because summer is almost over, but I'm trying to make the best of it!

Today I'm sharing a recap of July in numerical form, goals from July, and new goals I'm setting for August!

July in Numbers


new member of our household. I talked about it previously, but our cat, Toby is back. He's adapted so well, though I'm struggling to adapt to all the hair. He's so, so, tolerant of the boys. It's really hard to believe how much he puts up with.


nights Calvin slept all night. Now, it's better than last month's six, but here's to hoping to better things in August!


trips to Fuzzy's Taco Shop. I just love, love, love that place!


rewards/toys Wesley on the journey to be done with diapers. We are finally done! 

trips to Target. Same as last month and the month before. 


boys I love. I'm really going to miss summer, but I will cherish our evenings, weekends, and breaks.

July Goals Recap:

1. Make a craft. - Check! I found some fun sun catchers to make!

2. Try a new recipe. - CHECK! It was tasty. Here's the pin.

3. Finish my book plus finish another. - I finished Luckiest Girl Alive and I'm working on The Secret Keeper. So, I didn't accomplish this goal, but I didn't totally fail.

4. Go to yoga once a week. - One week I went to Barre and not yoga. One week we were out of town. So I could say this is partially accomplished.

5. Go to a farmer's market. - I totally had this post drafted with a fail, and then this past Saturday we woke up, the weather was gorgeous, and we went to the Des Moines Downtown Farmers Market. It was so fun!

August Goals

1. Get a pedicure and get my eyebrows threaded.

2. Try a new recipe.

3. Finish my book plus finish another. 

4. Go to yoga once a week. Do an additional yoga session at home once a week.

5. Plan out each week on a paper calendar.

What are your goals for the month?

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