bybmg: Bulu Box

Bulu Box

I received a trial subscription to Bulu Box in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own. See my disclosure statement for details.

The perfect partner in the pursuit of a healthier you, Bulu Box is like having a personal trainer and a nutritionist as a best friend. Each month, a box of healthy discoveries is shipped right to your door for just $10. You learn about that month's 4-5 premium samples, try each one and see what fits into your individual healthy lifestyle. 

There was quite a haul in the box, and quite the variety of items in my opinion.

The box came with a guide for the products plus additional fliers for two of the items.  For me, I could basically divide it into two piles.  Likes and dislikes.

This would be the dislikes for me. I'm currently nursing, energy supplements aren't something I will use. The box included an energy patch and a couple different supplements. I'm also not a big coffee drinker, so the k-cup went in this pile, too. I could see how these items would be helpful to some though.

This part of the box was more my style. The fruit twists were a hit with the boys. The brownie was ok, and I could see how someone eating gluten free would appreciate it. The Erzo vitamin biscuits reminded me a little of Bel Vita that I eat frequently. They would be great for those beginning pregnancy months when I just couldn't stomach a vitamin. They have one day's worth of prenatal vitamins in the biscuits. It seemed like these items were more geared toward the nursing mom that I am.

So, this box so far has mixed reviews, but I get two more months in my free trial. We'll see what else comes my way!

Something cool about the box though is for sharing your opinions on each month's samples through a quick survey, they will give you 50 Rewards Points (that's $5!) to use in their shop to get more of your favorites. Also, you can get a 3 Month Subscription for just $15 (regularly $30)! at Bulu Box - Use code WOWZA 

Now for some Tuesday Talk business!

Tuesday Talk is changing some hosts in 2016!  Best wishes to some hosts that are moving on and welcome to the new hosts who will start next week!

Beth - Our Pretty Little Girls ~ Michelle - Grammie Time
Keri - Living In This Season  ~ Christina - Waltzing In Beauty
Tara - Mrs. Coach Sims ~ Lauren - Simply Free
Jess and Katie - Sweet Little Ones ~ Whitney - Polka Dotty Place
Becky - bybmg ~ Elizabeth - All Kinds Of Things

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