bybmg: 10 Awesome Things - June

10 Awesome Things - June

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I had so much fun sharing some randoms in April that I thought I'd give it a whirl again. 10 Awesome Things with no theme at all. Enjoy!


Henry woke up one morning requesting muffins, so I found this easy recipe for strawberry muffins from scratch. We did half strawberry and half blueberry. They were a hit!


I'm all sentimental about Calvin being our last baby. It's such a mix of emotions, many which I hope to be able to express in this space soon. Kara's post entitled, "The real reason I'm late" is just beautiful.


I love my LuLaRoe leggings, but wearing them with sleeved tunics in the summer can be a little much. Someone recommended this tunic tank to me, and so I ordered up a couple. It's the Day to Day Tank, and I love it. It is flowy, so it hides some fluff around my waist and the length it great! The price isn't bad at all either!


A couple weeks ago, I finally got to hit up RAYGUN in person. It's such a fun t-shirt store with many tees specifically for Iowans, though they just opened a store in KC and also have tees that anyone could wear. 


Calvin hit the one month mark last week. Before he was born, we had his name picked out, so I asked my friend, Kristen, to make him a Hobbes. I ADORE how it turned out. Kristen is so talented! She made a blanket for Wesley before he was born and also made a spider web for Henry's Spiderman costume two years ago.


Mornings are slow going in our house this summer, but one thing Welsey demands is music. We have a handy little Chromecast on our TV. I can stream Netflix or YouTube right from my phone. It is definitely handy if I'm feeding Calvin and the boys need a little entertainment!


Have you heard of Schoola? It's another used clothing site like ThredUp or Twice. The difference is, people donate clothes to the site, then 40% of the sale is donated to a school of your choice!  How cool? Join with my link and get $15 free!


Sometimes people are able to express things better than I can. During the school year, our kids go to bed pretty early in some people's eyes, and I'm already working to establish an early bedtime for Calvin. We have to be out of the house by 7:10 during the school year. This post expresses some things about early bedtimes that are why we do it, too.


Also, I'm torn back and forth with the sadness of the last baby and the exhaustion and wanting to be onto the next stage of life. I was reminded that it won't last forever. None of it will. Maybe you need that reminder today.


Isn't this desk the coolest!? You'll have to head to Amazon to see better pictures, but it would be great for small spaces!

Do you have awesome things you want to share?! Leave them in the comments and I'll check them out!

I'm linking up with Anne!

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