bybmg: Summer Activity Blog Hop: Water Play!

Summer Activity Blog Hop: Water Play!

With the birth of my third son just weeks ago, keeping the big brothers happy and entertained self-sufficiently is definitely a topic on my mind as we roll into the summer! Today I'm sharing two activities we will be indulging in this summer that are easy and will keep the big boys busily contained in the fenced-in back yard so mama can rest without worrying about them running in the street! 


I shared about Bunch O Balloons back in December as part of a post about Kickstarters we've funded, but we hadn't had a chance to try them out yet because it was WINTER. Well, this spring, on a nice warm day, we tried them out with some friends, and they worked just as promised! We filled up 100 balloons in just minutes! Yes, they are significantly more pricey than your typical water balloon, but tying 100+ water balloons takes forever. I'm sharing this product with you for no benefit of my own. No referral link. Nothing. Get them. They work. They make doing water balloons painless! I would not even CONSIDER doing water balloons with my boys this summer if it weren't for these babies. Spending an hour filling and tying them up just for them to be destroyed in minutes? No thank you.


Get yourself a water table. I don't know why I waited so long to get one. Last summer was the first time we had one, and it was wonderful!  Baby pools are great, but the water table can be filled up quickly. I don't have to worry about the water being too cold. AND the boys don't have to be in full-on swim gear to play in it. It can be an experimentation zone (Add dirt... yep I let them!); it can incorporate other toys that they already have (Hello, swimming Spider-Man!); and it's easy to clean out if it gets messy. Often times you can find these on your local craigslist for cheap, or if you're really crafty, you can make your own!

Easy enough?  What are your fun, easy plans for your kiddos this summer?

Today some friends and I are sharing some of our favorite summer tips, activities, and bucket lists. Hop around and find some new ideas for your summer of fun.

Summer Bucket List from Living In This Season

Also, if you're loving these ideas, but the thought of summer with your kiddos stresses you out, check out Keri's eBook Why Just Survive When You Can Thrive (affiliate link)! 

Dolen Diaries

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