bybmg: 28 Week Update

28 Week Update


How Far Along? 28 weeks! If this guy comes when Wesley did (38 weeks), we have just 10 weeks left!

Size of Baby? About the size of an eggplant: approximately 15 inches long, and weighs 2 1/4  pounds (according to

Maternity Clothes? Yes please. I just ordered a couple pairs of full panel pants from Thred Up. (Use my referral link for $10 off your first order.) I also popped into Motherhood Maternity on Friday before my appointment.  I did not buy any maternity clothes, though I almost did... but did find a cute nursing friendly dress for cheap. I'm excited to wear it this summer.

Weight Gain? I had an appointment Friday - the lovely glucose test, and I'm up 15 pounds total.

Baby’s Gender? It's a BOY!

Sleep? I've been waking up about 45 minutes before my alarm many mornings. It's been good though, because I get a little quiet time to myself.

Food Cravings? Still nothing new. I love sweets. I could eat them all day. Valentine's candy. Yum.

What I am loving? I'm loving feeling him move. I feel it more throughout the day, which is fun. I've also done a little shopping/planning for his nursery.  Come back tomorrow for a little sneak peek!

Movement? A lot. He's a mover. He's big enough that sometimes I can see my full stomach move!

What I’m looking forward to: I'm looking forward to getting the baby clothes out soon and just sorting through what we'll need, washing them, etc.  I also haven't purchased his going home for the hospital outfit yet, but I'm on the look out for one I love.

Other Updates… Henry is so sweet. Most nights along with our dinner prayer, he prays for many people including "our new baby."  He's such a loving big brother!  Wesley, on the other hand, has no clue what's coming!

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