bybmg: Recipe: Easy 3 Ingredient Crockpot Chicken Taco Meat

Recipe: Easy 3 Ingredient Crockpot Chicken Taco Meat


As we walked in the door last week after this recipe had been cooking all day, Henry said, "Who came home and made that good smelling dinner?" 

I happily replied, "Oh, honey, it's been cooking all day. We put it in the crockpot this morning before we left."

I think anyone with small children would agree that getting dinner on the table isn't an easy feat. I LOVE anything that can be thrown in a crockpot with zero effort and ready to go when I get home. This is one of our go-tos.

Only 3 ingredients - and I love it because they are things that we usually have around.

Frozen chicken breast - if you want this to cook all day, they need to be frozen.
Salsa - whatever kind you prefer
Taco seasoning - I know many people make their own. I buy it.

For our family, I usually put in 3-4 chicken breast. This makes enough for a dinner and left overs for our lunch the next day. We have a small crockpot that I got on Black Friday for $5 that is the perfect size for this. 

I put in half a packet of seasoning and just dump on salsa until it looks good. I'd say I usually use between 1/2 - 1 cup of salsa.
 Don't stir it. Set is on low and let it go. 

Now, when you get home, it will probably look like this, and you might say, Becky, that looks gross...and I ruined it, but keep reading. This was on low for almost 10 hours.

I really think some days I should be a Pampered Chef consultant because I love their stuff. This is their Mix and Chop. Every kitchen should have this.  I use it for ground beef and it works like a charm.  I use this to chop up the meat and mix it all together.

Voila! Doesn't it look much better after its mixed up?

Slap it on a tortilla or salad with some cheese and whatever toppings you like, and you're good to go. It makes great leftovers. You can also multiply the recipe to feed a crowd. Enjoy!

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Epic Mommy Adventures

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