bybmg: Our Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving with Russ's family in Minneapolis. The actual dinner wasn't until Saturday, but we had lots of fun family time throughout the weekend.

Wesley got into watching the Macy's parade.

Henry was PSYCHED to see the Buzz Lightyear balloon.

He's pretty much an expert pistachio cracker.

Cute little turkeys!

Henry "helped" make them... more like he ate two oreos and a fistful of candy before heading back to play!

Wes and Auntie Jo!

He went from joyful to crabby pretty frequently this weekend... and it was all explained when I discovered tooth #2 popped through today!

The cursive expert in me really dislikes the table cloth. goffle? Really?

This year, as I've seen so much cancer and illness, I'm so thankful for the health of our family. 

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