bybmg: Thankfulness #14 - my job

Thankfulness #14 - my job

Thankfulness #14

my job

I was an elementary teacher for 7 years. Second grade, then sixth grade, then fifth grade. I really loved it. I developed great relationships with my students. I got to know them really well. This year I changed jobs. Now I'm teaching required electives to sixth graders: Leadership Development (this fall) and Communications (in the spring).  This position has been a breath of fresh air for me to focus on some of the non-core subject things. I teach 300+ kiddos over the course of two days, so I definitely miss getting to know them super well like I used to be able to, but all-in-all, it's been a good change of pace for me. I get to talk about goal setting, positive attitudes, and priorities all day long!

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