Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tutorial: How to Shorten a Maxi Skirt

Sometimes, ordering online can be awesome. Other times, not so much. This skirt was one of those not so much times. I don't remember where I ordered it from, but I saw fold over maxi for cheap, and I wanted it. I had one that wasn't a fold over top, and it just didn't sit right. When this one arrived in the mail, I immediately tried it on and was bummed. It was too long. Like too long that even wearing wedges wouldn't fix it, so it sat in my closet for a while. Until....bam! It hit me, I could shorten it and keep the hem just like I have done with jeans (not my tutorial, but I've done it exactly the same). 

So, here she is, pooling at my feet. Not going to work, so I went and put it on inside out.

Then, I basically pulled up and folded over right below the waistband until it was the length I wanted. I used a safety pin to mark that spot. 

Here's another picture. Basically, I made a flap of fabric and pinned. 

Then, I took it off and pinned that same flap all the way around the waist band. 

Then, I started sewing with a zigzag stitch, though I went a little bit too fast at first.

And ended up with this mess... So, out cam the seam ripper to very carefully take the stitches out.  I sewed it again, this time going more slowly and stretching the fabric a little as I went.

I tried it on, just to make sure it was good, and it was, so I cut off that excess flap fabric.

Here's the finished seam. It's not flawless, but I usually wear my top down over the waist of my maxis anyway.

Ahhh, much better, dontcha think? 

Just a Girl and Her Blog
Epic Mommy Adventures
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