Friday, October 30, 2015

High Five for Friday 10.30

This week has been a little wild. With some more sickness floating around the house it just felt like we can't catch a break! Nonetheless, it was still a wonderful week. Here are some of the highlights!


The two little boys and I spent Sunday afternoon and evening at my parents' farm.  Poor Henry missed because he was home sick.  We lived up the farm life with a hay rack ride, climbing in the hay, and making apple crisp from apples from my parents' trees.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What I Wore Wednesday 10.28

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details.

Happy Wednesday. I have four of my outfits for you this week. Enjoy!


Black Jeans: Gap via  Thred Up (use this link to get $20 off your first purchase)
Flats: Express c/o Brandzaffair

Cardigan: Target
Top: LuLaRoe
Necklace: gift

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

$10 at Target: Clearance and Childhood Memories

I mentioned last month that I have decided to cancel my Ipsy subscription. So, I have diverted the $10/month budgeted for that to a new series, $10 at Target!  If you would like to join in on this monthly adventure, will you email me. I planned on gathering some people to link up or blog hop this month, but time got away from me.

I honestly just got to Target last night, so I didn't even know if this was going to happen this month! Next month I plan to be more on top of things. I just had to laugh with Russ asks, "Are you going on vacation tonight?!" He fully knows going to Target is a vacation for me!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Favorite Things: Fall Finds Under $50

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It's the last Monday of the month, which means I'm linking up with Andrea about my Favorite Things!  Each month, there's a new topic (all the topics can be found here).  This month it's favorite fall find under $50. 

I couldn't just share one. Old Navy had been great for clothes for me this fall. I have spent maybe $10 because we have had a ridiculous amount of rewards dollars from our Gap credit card lately. Above are things I've picked up. The widget may not show the exact colors, but the styles are correct.

Here are the pixie pants.

And here's the plaid pullover.

I have an outfit coming up on Wednesday's outfit post that showcases the tunic and quilted vest. 

Having a credit card with clothing rewards makes my closet fuller on a tight budget! We are diligent about paying off the credit card each month, but building up points with normal purchases is awesome. Happy Monday!

Friday, October 23, 2015

High Five for Friday 10.23

Happy Friday! I hope you had a fabulous week! Here are some snippets from around here.


DATE NIGHT!  Russ and I went on a date Sunday night to see the Oh Hellos in concert. It was an awesome concert. We were standing pretty much right up front. Russ even caught a drum stick the drummer threw out at the end. We were out way past our bedtimes, but it was so fun! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What I Wore Wednesday 10.21

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details.

Thank you all for your sweet words last week and thoughts on flay lays vs actual outfits on me. I see benefits and drawbacks to both, so I hope to mix it up and share some of each with you each week.


Necklace: Our World Boutique
Bracelet: gift
Top: LuLaRoe
Jeans: Target via Thred Up (use this link to get $20 off your first purchase)
Flats: Express c/o Brandzaffair

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lessons in Fashion: Black and Leopard

Lessons in Fashion:
a sporadic series where I share little tips with you that help make my wardrobe stretch. 

Today's Lesson: 
Leopard and black is a go-to combination.

Whenever I'm at a loss for what to wear, I know one combination that always works, leopard print and black. It looks pulled together and a little sassy. I love it. Here are some way I've worn leopard and black! Adding a little denim never hurt either!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Leaves and Pumpkins

The leaves have started to fall here in Iowa. One thing I love about our "new" house is that it still has mature trees. Our old house had a HUGE tree, which had too many leaves to deal with. The tree here has just enough to be fun. Last Thursday night we got out the rake and played a little.

Friday, October 16, 2015

High Five for Friday 10.16

Happppy Friday! I'll be living up half the weekend at grad school, but this week was pretty darn good, so I'm still celebrating!


We had a grill out with all of Russ's coworkers on Sunday. Wesley had his first real experience with a fire pit and it was hilarious. This was about as close as he would get! Safety first!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What I Wore Wednesday 10.14

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details.

 Happy Wednesday!  I think outfit layouts are what's going to work for me at least through October since I have grad school just about every weekend. What is your opinion on them? Love them? Hate them? They truly are easier for me, and I like their look, but I know seeing the outfit on makes a big difference.  Would you like me to go back to outfits on when I am able to or do you prefer the layouts?


Dress: LuLaRoe
Necklace: Lia Sophia
Bracelets: random stack 
Cardigan: Old Navy
Flats: thrifted BCBG

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Goals for the Remainder of 2015

I want to finish this year strong, so I'm making some goals to carry me through to December!

1. Exercise three times a week. - I was on a roll with my StrongLifts 5x5 plan, but then fell off the train a little bit with Fridays we have grad class and being sick. I want to get back to a solid three times a week, even if two of the days are lifting and another day is just walking.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

We hit up our favorite pumpkin patch this weekend. It's the same one we've gone to since Henry was two.

I told Henry that I wanted to get pictures out of the way right when we got there, and he was awesome! A few quick snaps and we were on our way!

Friday, October 9, 2015

High Five for Friday 10.9 & Giveaway


My Sunday evening-Monday was kind of rough. I got that lovely "knives" feeling in my throat which a trip to the doctor confirmed was strep throat. Yuck. I guess it was my cue to slow down, but I really did need to slow down, so it was a blessing in disguise!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fitbit Style

I talked previously about how much I enjoy my Fitbit Flex. I would be lying if the versatility of bands wasn't one of the factors in my decision to choose the specific model. The plastic bands are nice. I have pink, polka dots, and some other fun patterns, but some days I just wanted to stuff it away because it didn't go with what I was wearing. The plastic bands looked too sporty for an outfit.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How I Style It: Falling Leaves Fashion

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When I think of fall, I think of earth tones, cozy textures, boots, and animal prints. The outfit I put together for church on Sunday incorporated so much of that.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday Talk: What I Wore 10.6

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details.

Because of the monthly How I Style It link up, I'm sharing this past week's looks today. I'm currently home on day two of having strep throat, so no outfits from Monday or today. Life forces you to slow down sometimes, and I truly needed to slow down. But, enough about that. On to the outfits!


Necklace: Our World Boutique
Top: Kiki La Rue
Pants: thrifted Gap
Cuff bracelet: If Only Pretty
Shoes: Charming Charlie

Friday, October 2, 2015

High Five for Friday 10.2

It has been a week. And I feel like I have nothing to share. It wasn't a bad week, but there just weren't a ton of "wow, I should really share that with my readers," moments. So, today I'm leaving you with a few links to go venture out and enjoy!