Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How I Style It: Patriotic Pretties

Welcome to the How I Style It Monthly Link Up!

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Bright on a Budget
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Beauty and the Binky
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Garay Treasures
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Doused in Pink

This month we're sharing our red, white, and blue looks!

I LOVE red, white, and blue combos, and I honestly had such a hard time picking just one for today!

Tuesday Talk: Designer Jewelry on a Budget

Rocksbox. If you've been around the fashion blogger world, you've probably heard about it. If you haven't, well now you have! Check out a way to get a month for free at the end of the post.

Rocksbox is a jewelry rental service. For the $19/month fee, you get a box with three designer jewelry pieces sent to you in the mail. Shipping to and from the company is included in the monthly fee, and you can send the boxes back and forth as much as you like. In other words you aren't limited to just one box a month. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Favorite Things: Summer Shoes

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details. 

It's the last Monday of the month, which means I'm linking up with Andrea about my Favorite Things!  Each month, there's a new topic (all the topics can be found here).  This month, it's favorite summer shoes!

One thing I'm learning as I get older, is that having good shoes makes a ton of difference.  Sure, I'll buy some cute shoes from Payless or Target every once in a while, but more and more I'm making investments in pairs of shoes I will wear for years and that are good on my feet.

Friday, June 26, 2015

High Five For Friday 6.26

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details.

Can you believe it's almost July!? Summer's going fast, but there's still a lot left! Here are some highlights from this week!


On Father's Day, we headed to a nearby small town pool after nap. Russ said it was just the perfect Father's Day which was awesome! I got to hang out in a lounge chair with Calvin while the big boys had a blast. We'll be going back to that pool again soon. It's not so huge like some of the aquatic centers around, so it's a little more manageable with three little ones!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What I Wore Wednesday 6.24

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details. 

I'm going to try to get back into regular, weekly updates on what I wore. We'll see how I do! Next week, though, we'll have our monthly How I Style It link up featuring red, white, and blue looks. Hope you'll join us!


Necklace: Origami Owl
Top: Target via Thred Up
Fitbit Band: Amazon
Shorts: Old Navy
Sandals: Sperry (similar)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday Talk: Review: Emjoi Micro Pedi

I received this item free in exchange for review. Please see my disclosure statement.

Spring and summer is time to let my feet out and breathe! I wear sandals most days, but it's not always the prettiest sight, though, because I have calloused heels. I try to get a pedicure every so often, but that can get costly. I was excited to try out an item I could use at home to get ride of that hardened skin.

The Micro-Pedi is the ORIGINAL and leading pedicure tool on the market and the only tool of its kind to have the American Podiatric Medical Association seal of acceptance.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Thoughts on Being Done Having Kids Part 1

I title this "Part 1" because I'm sure there will be more thoughts as the weeks and years go by.

Also, I'm leery to post this because it's kind of a brain dump, but I'm dumping it here. My thoughts. My feelings. You may or may not relate.

When we went into this last pregnancy, we were kind of back and forth about it being our last. Do we want three or four kids? Morning all day sickness hit and hung around until about 18 weeks. Then I hit 25 weeks, and tiredness set in.  So, if you do the math, I got about 7 weeks of feeling ok. With our past history and people that surround us, I've never been one to really complain much about being pregnant. This pregnancy. however, was a different story. I was sick. I was exhausted. I actually had a few nights in the third trimester that I cried and wanted to be DONE, and that had never happened with the other two. Now, I realize some people don't get a moment of relief their whole pregnancy, are hospitalized, etc. So, I don't have a lot to complain about... (But again... MY thoughts. MY feelings. MY life.)  I wasn't able to be the mom or wife I wanted to be for a long while and I'm still working to get back into that role...

Friday, June 19, 2015

High Five For Friday 6.19

Happy Friday! This week was a bit stressful starting my second grad class of the summer, but the events pictured here sure make it seem like a dreamy summer week!


Baby in a bow tie. Need I say more?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What I've Been Wearing: Fourth Trimester Style 6.17

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details. 

Summer vacation and having a newborn cause me to be a little lazy in my outfits. Some days I'm just in sweats. Other days I decide to get dressed up a little. Today I'm sharing a few outfits I've been wearing in the past two weeks that aren't sweats! Enjoy!

Headband: Fleurty Bands
Fitbit Band: Amazon
Tee: Target
Shorts: Target
Sandals: Birkenstock

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Love More, Hate Less

I received this tee free to share about its story with you. Please see my disclosure statement.

If you were to visit the Kentucky Brewed Tees website, you might be confused about why a life-long Iowa gal is sharing about them. No, I'm not from Kentucky (though I know a fun gal who is), but I am excited to share with you one of their shirts that is from Kentucky but about so much more.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Fun with Junior Explorers

I received this product free for the purpose of review. The opinions are all my own. Please see my disclosure statement.

Junior Explorers is monthly subscription box. I is geared toward children ages 5-12. Each month, your child gets a package with a mission to learn about places around the world.  It combines science, collecting items, and online games. I received a kit about the Great Barrier Reef. It came with a fun intro letter telling us a little about the topic and what we would be doing along with a code to access the online activities.

Friday, June 12, 2015

High Five for Friday 6.12

Summer, summer, summer, I love it! Some highlights of our week!


Oh, these two brothers. It's fun to see them when they truly get a long!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How I Style It: Basic Tee

Welcome to the How I Style It Monthly Link Up!

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Bright on a Budget
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Beauty and the Binky
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Garay Treasures
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Doused in Pink
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This week, we're styling basic tees. Hop around to all the hosts to see how we styled them and link up with your own look or share your look on Instagram with the #teedupstyle tag!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Walmart, Pampers, and the Children's Miracle Network {GIVEAWAY} & Tuesday Talk

This post was brought to you by Proctor and Gamble. The information from this post, the gift card I received to purchase Pampers as well as the gift card for the giveaway were provided by them.

Diapers are vital in our house these days. With two kiddos age two and under, we are using a lot! I have always been a fan of Pampers. Their Swaddlers are my go-to diaper with our little babies and I've been supper happy with their  Baby Dry Diapers for our kiddos as they've gotten older. Today I'm excited to share what Pampers and Walmart are doing to help kids! 

Did you know that Walmart and Pampers are donating $200,000 to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals this month? Any time this month that you purchase Pampers from Walmart, a portion of the proceeds with be donated to CMNH!

Monday, June 8, 2015

10 Awesome Things - June

This post does contain referral or affiliate links. Read my disclosure page for more details.

I had so much fun sharing some randoms in April that I thought I'd give it a whirl again. 10 Awesome Things with no theme at all. Enjoy!

Friday, June 5, 2015

High Five for Friday 6.5

Our first full week of summer is in the books! Here are some happenings!


I escaped to Target on Saturday my myself for an hour and came back with a few closet additions. This summer I'm vowing not to shy away from shorts. I found a pair of C9 running shorts and shirt on the sale rack. Though I don't intend to run much this summer, I do plan to walk quite a bit!  I also found these fun pom pom shorts. They're a little wild, but why not?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

9 Years Ago Today & Family Photos

Nine years ago today, this guy and I got hitched! I can't imagine life with anyone else. He is so loving, creative, supportive, and just the best dad to our boys. I'm blessed beyond words!

And look at us now! We used the photo on the left to announce that we were pregnant with baby #3, so we decided it would be fun to recreate the shot after Calvin's birth. 

Today, besides celebrating our anniversary, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some photos from Calvin's newborn shoot. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

2015 Summer To-Dos & Tuesday Talk Link Up

I'm a list maker. Not always the most organized list maker, but I am one. Also, I'm a teacher, so summer is very freeing. I'm also a structure-lover. I don't have to have every minute of my day planned, and with a newborn there's no way that's going to happen, but I love to have a little bit of purpose.  So, today I'm sharing my summer to-dos.  I could say summer goals, I could say summer checklist, but some things I want to do don't fit in either of those categories, so to-dos it is.

1) Snuggle the baby. - I've said it a few times before, but Calvin is most likely our last baby, so I want to soak it up. Thoughts on the last baby are being developed in my head slowly, so expect a post on that sometime, but for now, we snuggle.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Making Summer Footwear More Comfy with Kushyfoot

I received these products free in exchange for review. See my disclosure statement.

Breaking out the spring and summer footwear is always something I look forward to, but the blisters that often go along with the transition are not fun!  I was thrilled when Kushyfoot sent me a spring/summer essentials kit to help my poor feet make the transition better!