Friday, October 31, 2014

High Five for Friday 10.31

First off, Happy Halloween!  If you want to check out what my boys are this year, yesterday's post gives you a glimpse.  This week's been a good week. 


Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Monsters

Happy Halloween Eve from my monsters!  Tonight we trick or treat. For some reason Central Iowa celebrates Beggars Night (the night before Halloween) to trick or treat instead of Halloween. This was totally new to me when we moved from Eastern Iowa six years ago. When do your kiddos get candy?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday 10.29

Well, folks, some maternity wear is coming out this week.  Nothing major, just some more comfy pants!


So, as I've said before, I take my outfit posts on the weekends.  I try to predict the weather, but sometimes I don't get it quite right. I ended up throwing on a black pair of tights with this outfit on the actual day I wore it.

Scarf: KiKi LaRue via Bloggers Closet
Dress: LuLaRoe Julia
Bracelets: Love Andrea's Closet and LTD Jewels
Booties: Amazon

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cute Etsy Shop Alert! Living In This Season

My friend, Keri, over at Living In This Season just opened her Etsy shop under the same name!  I LOVE how adorable her banners are!  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Because Baby News Doesn't Thrill Everyone...

I was actually reluctant to announce this pregnancy to some people in my life because I knew it might cause them some pain. I delivered the news in different ways to different people because I knew it might hit them hard. I'm fully aware that pregnancy news doesn't thrill everyone...

Friday, October 24, 2014

High Five For Friday 10.24

Let's celebrate the ending to another great week!  Yay!


I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to make it to the pumpkin patch this year with some of the crazy weekends we had.  Henry was sick last weekend, and Wesley was a little sick this weekend, but it was beautiful out Saturday night, so we went!  It was so fun.  I might put together a post with all of our pictures and a fun video Russ made next week. Bonus, both boys were looking when we asked a stranger to take our picture!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October Ipsy Glam Bag

It's always a great mail day when my Ipsy bag arrives.  This month was no exception. If you're not familiar with Ipsy, it's a monthly subscription in which you receive a cute zipper pouch along with five beauty samples. The cost is just $10, and I think it's a great deal.

First off, this month's zipper pouch was super cute.  I love the color and the plastic texture because I could definitely throw it in my purse without it getting dirty.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday 10.22

Phew! Half way though the week!  So excited to be here sharing what I wore with you again. If you're just stopping by from one of the link ups, welcome!  I hope you're decide to stick around.  If you missed my announcement earlier this week, this may be the last post sans maternity pants. I'm giving in next week and breaking them out, because why continue to be uncomfortable. I've hidden it from y'all for long enough!

This is what I wore to the pumpkin patch on Saturday. Blue on blue on blue!

Chambray: Target
Vest: Old Navy
Skinnies: Target via Thred Up
Boots: Steve Madden

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Etsy Love 10.21 - Gift Ideas for the Boys

Buying hand made is something worth doing, especially with the holidays coming up.  We small shops really do appreciate when you give us a little boost toward the holidays.  Here are some great things I found on Etsy lately that are totally fun and would make awesome gifts!



This is totally cute!  I love that the spoon is detachable for washing, and then the plane could be used as a toy!  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Adding to the Crazy!

I’m THRILLED to announce that Baby #3 will be joining our family in May (or April if he/she comes early like Henry and Wesley did). I feel like this picture is the epitome of how our life feels right now. Crazy.  Grad school. Probably putting out house on the market this spring. And a BABY!

Friday, October 17, 2014

High Five for Friday 10.17

Phew! Thank Goodness it's Friday!  Here are the best parts of my week!


We had another lazy weekend, which was much needed.  I spent some time Saturday decluttering. I packed up this plus another whole box to send off to Goodwill.  I also have a pile of clothes waiting for when my Thred Up bag comes, so I can send it off to sell.  I still have some things to sort though in our bedroom, but I got a LOT cleaned out and it feels so good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday 10.15

Wednesday is here again!  Hope your week is going well! It's been chilly here - highs in the 50s - and really feeling like fall.  I have to be honest, I have no weekend outfits to share... I was in sweats all weekend... We didn't make it to church because Henry was under the weather.  But, sometimes we need a lazy weekend like that.

Necklace: Wal-Mart
Tunic - LuLaRoe
Leggings: Forever 21
Boots: Steve Madden

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Liberating Working Moms: 3 Ways to Rock Your Riding Boots

If you've been around here long enough, you know I love riding boots.  Today I'm over at Liberating Working Moms sharing three ways to rock them!

Monday, October 13, 2014

$5 Fall Wreath & Fall Decor Link Up

I haven't had much time too run around for craft supplies lately, so when I had to go to Dollar Tree for a few things, I was struck by the fall-colored silk flowers right as I walked in. I knew I had to find something to do with them.  


I came out of the store with three bunches of silk flowers, a small wreath, and some foam sheets.

Friday, October 10, 2014

High Five for Friday 10.10

Yay for Friday!  I'm really excited for this weekend to actually be able to RELAX! Highlights from this week were hard to think up because it was such a simple week.


Wesley is such a ham.  He loves being the clicker for my outfit shots.  This time I just couldn't move hime out of the way or crop him out. Too cute!  This is the unedited version of where I take my outfit shots.  The road play mat usually gets cropped out.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Family Pictures 2014

A couple weeks ago, we had one of Russ's best friends take some family photos of us.  Photos with our boys are always an adventure.  Either Henry's being crazy  or Wesley isn't having it.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves, but we did end up getting at least one that can go on the Christmas card.  Also, bonus points that I was able to scrape together our outfits from things we already had!  Hooray!

See what I mean?  Crazies!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday 10.8

How are you feeling about your closet lately?  I find myself pulling out the same things often, but I think that's ok.  It might be time for another closet reevaluation as I change some things out for the seasons. I keep wanting to simplify, simplify, simplify.  Time for the rubber to meet the road!


I wore this for Twin Day at school this week.  I ended up switching out the gray tee for a white one to match my twin.  I love this skirt!

Tee that I actually wore: Target
This tee: H&M
SKirt: LuLaRoe Madison
Flats: Target

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pumpkin Addict: My Favorite Pumpkin Recipes

I'm a wee bit addicted to all things pumpkin. Today I wanted to share some of my favorite pumpkin recipes with you, so you can get in on the deliciousness too! I have made all of them!


These are amazing!  I could eat them over and over! They are so easy and require no baking.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall Wal-Mart Beauty Box

Tiff over at Bright on a Budget shared that Wal-Mart had a quarterly beauty box they were starting to send out.  The cost was just $5, and it sounded like it would be packed with fun things, so I was in.  I ordered it up and just about a week later, it arrived. Here's what was inside!

Friday, October 3, 2014

High SIX for Friday 10.3

This week was a good one!  We had a relaxing weekend and some good nights!  Yay!  Hope your week was fabulous!  Russ and I are going to be in our first weekend-long grad class tonight and all day tomorrow.  Positive thoughts for us and our boys while we're away from them are appreciated! And thanks to my mom for being a trooper and hanging out with them while we're at class!


One of our friends' little girls had her birthday party at Chow's Gymnastics.  We Iowans know its claim to fame of training both Shawn Johnson and Gabby Douglas for the Olympics!

I had to capture this picture of Henry working the balance beam.  Russ's mom is a former Iowa Balance Beam Champion, so I know he made GMOM proud!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Link Love 10.2

I feel like I don't keep enough track of some of the great blog posts I love!  I want to take time every once in a while to celebrate other bloggers and their great work!  Today I'm sharing a few recent blog posts by others that I think you should know about.

 We often get so caught up in appearance.  This reminder to invite people into the mess was just perfect for me.  I think there's a line from opening up to EVERYONE about EVERYTHING, but sharing your mess both literally and figuratively with those close to you is meaningful. I have some few close friends with whom I don't feel like I have to clean up my house for.... or my feelings. I hope you have someone like that, too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Zulily Major Sales!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Just wanted to let you know that Zulily is having some major sales this week!! I think I may have to buy the boys' Christmas PJs when they come out on Thursday. Here's what's coming up! Zulily is a great place to get a head start on your Christmas shopping.

Wednesday, October 1st

What I Wore Wednesday 10.1

How is the world is it already OCTOBER?!  Anyone else feeling that way?  I'm happy to say that this past weekend was pretty chill, so I was able to get some actual not in the poor lighting of my classroom outfit shots for the end of this week's post. Yay!

Necklace: Stella and Dot (gift)
Top: Target via Goodwill
Cardigan: Kohls (new!)
Bracelets: Style This Life 
Pants: Gap via Twice
Boots: Steve Madden