Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday

Top - Old Navy
Cardigan - Old Navy
Scarf - Pick Your Plum
Pink Skinnies - Target
Shoes - Toms

Bracelets - Lia Sophia

Scarf - Forever 21
Top - Gap
Skinnies - Thrifted - Gap
Shoes - Toms

Bracelet - Groop Dealz

Top -Target
Cardigan - Old Navy
Scarf - gift from the hubby
Jeans - Thrifted
Shoes - Toms

Bracelets - Lia Sophia (can you tell I'm on a bracelet kick lately?) 

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thankfulness #15 - Reason for the season

Thankfulness #15

Reason for the season

I love Christmas. We decorated early. I know, I know, I'm still supposed to be thinking about Thanksgiving. But I am! I'm thankful! I am so thankful for salvation and the Reason for this upcoming season. Let us not forget what the core of it all is, Jesus.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thankfulness #14 - my job

Thankfulness #14

my job

I was an elementary teacher for 7 years. Second grade, then sixth grade, then fifth grade. I really loved it. I developed great relationships with my students. I got to know them really well. This year I changed jobs. Now I'm teaching required electives to sixth graders: Leadership Development (this fall) and Communications (in the spring).  This position has been a breath of fresh air for me to focus on some of the non-core subject things. I teach 300+ kiddos over the course of two days, so I definitely miss getting to know them super well like I used to be able to, but all-in-all, it's been a good change of pace for me. I get to talk about goal setting, positive attitudes, and priorities all day long!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Family Pics

I just have to post a couple of the family pics we had taken last weekend. 

Never could get us all looking at the camera, but what do you expect for a baby? :)

I'm really happy that I have grown my hair out and finally feel like I know how to style it. It doesn't take me hours to do, either.

I really need to find a baby pic of me to put up here to compare to Wes.

Wouldn't be a photo shoot without Spider-Man coming out!

Love the fall colors in this pic! 

Thanks for capturing these, Seth!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday & a Giveaway

I'm really struggling to get good outfit pics. Our mornings are just too chaotic sometimes and when I get home, I go straight to sweats. Here are a few from this week. 

Also, a Thanksgiving giveaway from my shop is posted at the end!

 Sweater - thrifted 
Necklace - Banana Republic Outlet

Skirt - Forever 21
Leggings - Wal-Mart
Boots - JCP

Purple anyone?

Cardigan - Old Navy
Dress - Old Navy
Tights - Target
Scarf - gift
Boots - hand-me-down

Bracelet - Groop Dealz 

Cardigan - Target
Scarf - Old Navy (sewn into an infinity by me)
Skirt - thrifted
Tights - Gap
Boots - hand me down - Steve Madden 

I'm giving away a Toms Flag Bag from my Etsy shop. You pick the color zipper!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankfulness #13 - connectivity

Thankfulness #13


For as much as people say technology gets in the way, I'm so grateful for it. I feel safe driving places by myself knowing that if something where to happen, I'd be able to contact someone. My boys can talk with and SEE (thank you FaceTime) their grandparents and aunts and uncles farther away. I feel like Henry especially has a better relationship with his aunties in Colorado because he gets to FaceTime with them. We only see them a couple times a year. I'm able to keep in touch with friends through text messaging - just a quick, "miss you" or "how are ya?" Sometimes I would like to throw it all out the window because it can get overwhelming, but all-in-all the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thankfulness #12 - coupons and deal

Thankfulness #12


coupons and deals

I've always been a sale shopper. Just ask my mom. She could send me shopping with $20, and I'd come back with a whole new outfit. This has transferred into my adult life. Our first two years of marraige, we were living on just my teacher's salary while Russ finished school. Now we're both teaching, but we have kiddos, student loans, a mortgage, and more. It adds up. I'm not all "extreme couponing." I don't buy stuff we don't need (for the most part;)). It feels good to get things we need, and save money for our family. 

I follow a couple blogs that help me out with this:

still being [molly]

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankfulness #11 - our home

Thankfulness #11

our home

Though it is small, it's ours. We've brought two babies home from the hospital here. We have had many gatherings here. The kitchen is large. The bedrooms are enough. The bathroom functions. The roof covers us. The furnace warms us. The AC cools us (though it has quit twice). The outlets power us. The walls display us. The back yard entertains and grows us. The driveway is an excellent bicycle track. The garage keeps the cars warm enough that I don't have to scrape a windshield in the morning. We are blessed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday

2/3 of this outfit is thrifted
Tank - thirfted - Loft
Cardigan - Gap
Jeans - thrifted - Gap

This is what I wore for family pictures.
Cardigan - Target
Scarf - Forever 21
Jeans - thrifted - Gap
Boot Cuffs - Bootcuff Susie
Boots - Payless

Can we just laugh for a minute about how ridiculous boot cuffs look without boots? And my socks. Oh dear.  :)

Wow, this isn't a good picture. Sorry!

Cardigan - Target
Shirt - Forever 21
Skinnies - Gap
Boots - Payless

Necklace - Forever 21

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thankfulness #10 - my village

Thankfulness #10

 my village (that helps me raise these beautiful babies)

I read a post the other day called 10 True Things About the First Year of Parenthood. #8 really hit me.

"The most important thing to get for your baby is not a Rock n' Play, nor a good set of swaddling blankets, nor a high-end stroller. The most important thing to get for your baby is a village. Your village will keep you afloat."


I'm thankful for all of those friends online and in person who have kept me afloat the past 3.5 years (and before that) we've been on this parenting journey. The people who brought food. Gifts. The people who gave advice (solicited or not, I still appreciate it. It means you care.). The people who have cared for our kids to give us a break. Friends who have cared for and understood me as a mom. As a person who struggles to keep her priorities in order. Thank you to all of you have lifted me up. I could make a list, but I would forget someone. You know who you are. Thank you.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankfulness #9 - the dishwasher

Thankfulness #9

the dishwasher

About two years ago, Russ made a change in his eating habits. That also meant a change in our cooking habits - a lot more multi-pan meals and fewer meals from a box. I'm so thankful for our dishwasher. We can make three pan, home-cooked meals and then can throw it all (well most of it) in the dishwasher, put in a packet of soap, press a button, and walk away. Time saved. Hands saved. Thanks dishwasher.

Thankfulness #8 - my parents

Thankfulness #8

my parents

They are the model of givers. They are so generous and loving.  Being Grammy and Poppy to our boys (and all their grandkids) is top priority for them. Mom has woken up before 5am so that she can drive here to watch the boys so we don't have to take a sick day. Dad is a handyman who is always willing to help with tasks around our place. Mom always answers her phone whenever I call. They are down-to-earth people who want to bring the simple life back. It's so fun to see them plan for retirement together.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thirfty Finds - the most amazing find yet!

I was talking on the phone with my mom the other day about how I wanted to go to Goodwill. I'm a thrift shop girl. You've probably been able to tell that from my outfit posts. If it's not thrifted, it's from Gap (sale rack), Old Navy (online shopping), or Target (mommy vacation). I joked with mom that Goodwill had been calling my name - I  was hoping to replace a pair of jeans.

One pair of my skinny jeans had torn a belt loop and were just getting a little baggy. I have a couple of pairs of pants from Gap (all on clearance - I can't afford to buy normally priced stuff there). I LOVE the mint green Always Skinny pants that I have from there. I was just about to break down and buy a pair of Always Skinny jeans online ($70 , but I'd use with a discount and rewards from my Gap card, they would have been about $30). I was perusing the jean rack and Goodwill and about fainted! TWO pairs (one black and one blue) of Always Skinny jeans IN MY SIZE! Yep! I got two pairs for $11. This is why I thrift shop.

Besides those pairs, I found six tops.

Forever 21 navy top with flower detail (below)

Forever 21 top - love the color - hopefully it will look good until a cardigan

 Loft sequin top

Gap navy striped top

Eddie Bauer cute, casual 3/4 sleeve sweatshirt 

Gap black sweater with button detail on one side

I also had a 20% off a Goodwill purchase of $20 or more, so I got the whole stash in this post for $24. A-mazing!

Thankfulness #7 - our daycare

Thankfulness #7

our daycare

I couldn't go to work each day without knowing my boys are loved and cared for where they are. We are SO blessed that they spend their weekdays at a place where they are celebrated, loved, treated like family, and have lots of fun. We are SO thankful for Katie and the care she gives our kiddos, especially this week as she put in some long hours while Russ and I had conferences. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankfulness #6 - pumpkin

Thankfulness #6


I'm pretty sure I could eat pumpkin-flavored things every day of my life and never get sick of them. I've been whip up a batch of pumpkin muffins mid-summer. I always have a can of pumpkin in my pantry. I have a Pinterest board devoted to it.  I am still seeking the best pumpkin lotion out there. If you have any tips, let me know (I love to smell like baked goods ;)). The cinnamon pumpkin one from Bath and Body Works this year just isn't doing it for me.

Trying out some new products in my Rose Vox Box

I'm a member of a website called Influenster. Influensters are a group of connected people who try out products for free and share their experiences via specific social media outlets. I got my first box of goodies a few weeks ago, and I have had fun trying things out.

In the box:

Dr. Scholls Cozy Cushion Insoles
Vitabath Lily and Ivy Lotion
Lindt LINDOR Truffle
BelVita Blueberry Breakfast Biscuits
Kiss Gradient Nail Polish Trio
Rimmel ScandalEyes Mascara

 I have been so pleased with all of the products! The mascara is glamourous! The breakfast biscuits were delicious (I'd seen people eat them before, but never tried them myself.). Lindt truffle - you KNOW those are delicious! The lotion had a different feeling than others that I've used; I'd be interested to try out other scents. I see they have some cupcake ones. Wish I could have tried that one! The insoles added some cushion and warmth to my fuzzy boots. The nail polish is just plain fun! 

If you'd like to join Influenter, please let me know! I have a few invitations. It's great for people who are active on a variety of social media outlets. Maybe you'll get lucky and get a box of goodies like I did!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thankfulness #5 - Christmas Music

Thankfulness #5

Christmas Music

Last night it was rainy and cold. We didn't want to turn on the TV, just because Henry had enough shows from being home sick all day, so we cuddled on the couch and in the chair (I was holding Wes) and listened to some Christmas tunes. Yep, I know it's the beginning of November, but really, 2 months of Christmas music out of 12 is great for me. Our snuggling was short-lived because of a phone call, but it was wonderful. Can't wait for more moments like that this winter.

What I Wore Wednesday

I've had a hard time finding the mirror or finding the time/remembering to have my husband take my picture lately, so you get some selfies!

My hair is getting LONG (for me) which causes me to either straighten it or pull it up in a ponytail. I striaghtened it this day and the kids kept asking if I got a hair cut. Nope! But I need one!

Dress - Target
Cardigan - Forever 21
Belt - Forever 21
Watch - I don't remember!

Leggings - Forever 21 (though I ripped a hole in them with my boots buckle later that day!)
 Boots - Payless

This is the realism of our house in the mornings!

White Top - Gap
Sweater - Old Navy
Skinnies - Gap
Metallic Ballet Flats - Gap 

Necklace - thrifted

Top - Old Navy
Tank - Gap
Necklace - gift
Watch - Relic

Pants - Gap
Shoes - Aldo

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday