Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pinteresting - Frozen Cool Whip Sandwiches

I pinned this on Pinterest a while back. I really used the photo for inspiration, and I didn't actually read the tutorial until after I made them. I simplified it quite a bit and didn't go for anything sugar-free. I just wanted a fun snack Henry and I could make together this summer. 

Three simple ingredients: graham crackers, Cool Whip, and sprinkles. I had these sprinkles left over from a while back...Halloween ones, but that doesn't matter to Henry.

I made the first one to test it out. I broke the graham in half and dolloped the Cool Whip on.

Then I added the top graham.

I put the sprinkles in a shallow bowl and pressed the sandwich in them lightly on each side.

Henry (age 3 1/2) tried to do this, but he had a difficult time because he couldn't hold the sandwich without squeezing too hard and the Cool Whip coming out.

We did discover he's an AWESOME graham cracker breaker.

And...sprinkle man!

This was the end result. They look so yummy!

They were a little to delicate to handle, so I set the plates (one tub of Cool Whip made 12 sandwiches) in the freezer for two hours.

So, he ate a graham cracker...

 ...and some sprinkles while we waited.

Then I was able to put them in sandwich bags. 
A quick, simple, fun frozen snack the kiddos can help with this summer - Enjoy!

Linking up with The Sundae Scoop!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

This is real life.

I participate in Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day community. Each month, she posts a word or phrase to capture in a photo. Today's word was "us." As we sat at breakfast this morning, all in our PJs, I thought, This is us. This is real life. We didn't have any amazing Pinterest-based breakfast, just scrambled eggs and sausage. We all had a little bit of bed head. The table was a little cluttered with stuff. But, it just really hit me, THIS is real life.

I think, since Pinterest rolled around, I can get stuck in this constant comparison or thought that my life is boring, not fit to be published on a blog. Do you ever feel this way? I read blogs showing their beautiful homes, their perfect crafts, their lovely picnics, and compare to my blurry iPhone pictures of my simple DIYs. I make things that I see on Pinterest that don't turn out well. I look around my small, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home that has a mouse or two scurrying in the attic and paint peeling off the siding and feel inferior.

Don't let comparison steal your joy.

Today, though, I looked around with a new set of eyes. THIS is real life. It's my real life, and it's beautiful.

A cluttered kitchen table, including a cup from yesterday. 
This is real life.

The view out my kitchen window. Seeds sprouting in a random clear mug so Henry can see them. 
This is real life.
(See, a murky iPhone picture!)

Pictures of Henry from daycare. From Christmas. St. Patrick's Day. A messy counter.
This is real life.

Folding laundry. Wesley nearby.
This is real life.

Diaper. Splattered with ink from a pen that exploded in the wash.
This is real life.

Ladder that I made Russ hang on the wall. Unfilled nail hole nearby.
This is real life.

Henry dressing himself today. And choosing to roll up his sweatpants. 
This is real life.

Sun faded DIY wreath on the yellowing front door.
This is real life.

Teeny, tiny creative corner with drawers that sometimes fall out.
This is real life.

Beautifully perfect picture of my baby boy.
This is real life.

Spider-Man and Christmas soap in the bathroom. Faucet spotted with toothpaste splatter.
This is real life.

Cluttered corner of my dresser. 
This is real life.

Non-What-I-Wore-Wednesday-Worthy outfit.
This is real life.

Precious chairs where I rock my babies to sleep.
This is real life.

Random Rubbermaid tote in the baby's room.
This is real life.

Somewhat of a Pinterest fail wall hanging in my room that says it all.
This is life. Life is good.

May you realize today and always that whatever your life: DIY life, Target-purchased life, cluttered life, bloggable or non-bloggable life is. It is good. You are blessed. May you relish in the moment that THIS is life.

Linking up:


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pinteresting - Strapless Maxi Dress Tutorial

I want to post occasionally on Pinterest tutorials that I find and try, so here's the first one. Enjoy!

My mom called the other day while she was at the fabric store. They had some fabric 80% off, and she asked if there was anything I needed wanted. I told her if they had any fun knit, I'd love to make a skirt for the summer.

She found this chevron/zig zag. I LOVE it. She got a little more than I'd need for a skirt. I LOVE dresses, but I'd resorted to the fact that I won't be wearing may this summer because I'm nursing. I actually packed most of them away, and just kept out a few that are nursing friendly. I stumbled across this easy tutorial on Pinterest just a day after my mom mailed me the fabric. I knew that I had enough fabric and went to work!

Here's the finished product. (Pardon the poor picture and my messy hair - it's been gloomy and chilly outside, so I haven't had a chance to take a better picture.) It was super easy! The new part for me was making a casing inside for the elastic below my bust, but it wasn't difficult. Seriously, even if you're new to sewing, you can totally do this! I'd love to see what you come up with.

This tutorial is one of many I had pinned to my Summer Checklist board - a place I've put things I actually want to accomplish this summer - somewhat of a short list of the thousands of pins I've pinned. I also have a board for tutorials and ideas I have used. I hope to blog about some of those in the future!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Etsy Love

Here are a few things I've been drooling over on Etsy lately.

Monogramed Necklace - PoshPrincessBows1

Zippered Snack Bag - AllyRheaReuseables (My cousin started a shop!)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Flower Handprint/Footprint Towel

 For Christmas, I made my mom and mother-in-law towels with Henry's footprint that look like a Christmas tree. They were a hit, so I thought I'd do something similar that could hang up all year long for Mother's Day. 

I got some basic flour-sack towels at Target. They came in a pack of four, so I have two more for another craft sometime! I used this basic acrylic paint on the Christmas towels, and it worked well, so I brought it back out. 

Henry, age 3, is pretty cooperative with handprints. I painted his hand and helped him press it down. He got it a little smeared, but you can tell it's his. I considered doing Wesley's, 4 weeks, hand, but the hubby thought a foot would be easier. Definitely was. Thanks to him for helping out. He held Wesley while I painted his foot and pressed it down.  I don't know if I could do the baby print well on my own.  

Also...I think next time I may use a color other than red. The may look a little crime scene like (yes, I said that), but they're still cute.

I painted stems and leaves on the prints to make them look like flowers.

I then used a fine-tipped sharpie to sign/date the towel. 

That was it! I let them dry and they're done. I like how they turned out. 

Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies out there!